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Publication date: 2022

Type: eBook, short story

Genre: Contemporary fiction, women's fiction, short story

Print length:  16 pages

Language: English


Also available at:
Writers Inspiring Change



Angelika's Story is the untold story of countless numbers of young women, lured into the net, through false promises, eventually leading them into a life of escorts and prostitution.

A journalist, in Los Angeles, is woken early one Sunday morning. The woman on the other of the line wants him to tell her story, but it has to be today, because time is not her side. The man meets her at a seedy hotel in Hollywood, and over the course of several hours, she tells him her story; how she was lured into the net, how she became addicted to drugs they fed her, and how prostitution became a lifestyle. When she's done, she asks him to publish her story ... but there's more to it.

This story is not only inspiring, it is a brutal awakening to the reality of a trap and a life that so many fall into.

The story was inspired by an actual woman - but her story, becomes the voice of countless thousands out there who cannot speak up for whatever reason.

Angelika's Story: Hope never dies! (short story)

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