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Publication date: 2017

Format: eBook (ePub)

Language: English

Genre: Speculative fiction, thriller, geopolitical thriller

Print length: 203 pages


Also available at:

Escape the Box Bookstore


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Google Play



Mateus Cordozo has just returned to his hometown of Afife, Portugal, a short vacation where he hopes to reconcile his midlife crisis - far from his "normal" life as a bio-engineer back in Sweden. With two bottles of wine, some fine local cheese and freshly baked-bread, he finds a secluded spot on a blustery and cold beach, where he is certain that no one will interrupt his soul-searching. Half way into his first glass he spots a figure approaching, and finally, a strange woman steps up to him. They engage a stimulating conversation, wherein she reveals her true agenda; telling him that a nuclear debacle is about to ensue in the wake of an energy-desperate Chinese invasion of Iran to commandeer Iran's oil fields. Mateus, having abandoned his phone in his hotel, is clueless about on-going events in the world, particularly news of this invasion. She goes on to explain that there are only two outcomes to this war; do nothing and watch the inevitable crisis escalate into a nuclear war, or, using the technology that he and his team back in Sweden have developed, offer the Chinese an alternative to their energy-crisis. Cordozo dismisses her claims as ridiculous and refuses to continue the dialogue. As China effectively overcomes the Iranian defenses and moves close to taking Tehran, Mateus finds himself walking a tightrope between truth and denial and a barrage of overwhelming questions assaulting him: does Iran have the nuclear capacity to do such a thing; and would they; and if so, would China reciprocate with nukes of their own? Moreover, is his strange twilight visitor right, can he actually put the pin back in the grenade before it explodes into a global meltdown?
A geopolitical and speculative thriller that haunts the mind.



"This is a fast paced read but the plot contains complex ideas which adds a depth to the book. Full of action and real life scenarios this is one of those books you can spend hours reading without realizing where the time has gone. There are plenty of surprises and twists. This book will appeal to crime and science fiction fans. And will also interest those intrigued by geopolitical themes."

The Portugal News


"The story races along with pace of a Tom Clancy thriller but the depth of the plot is rich in complexities philosophical ideas. Highly recommended for readers who like fast paced thrillers but with an ingenious twist."


"I definitely recommend Twilight Visitor by Real Laplaine as a five star read to all audiences fond of international political thrillers. It has an awesome, suspenseful plot that can be described as an out of this world political intrigue!"


“… a high concept thriller that is comparable with the best of Dan Brown or Jack Higgins.”

Novelist, David Luddington 

Twilight Visitor: Eight Minutes is All it Takes to Set the World on Fire (eBook)

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