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Réal Laplaine
8 hours ago2 min read
2 Trillion chances to say "Hello!"
NASA and the ESA (European Space Agency) are already preparing for a manned Mars mission in the near future - the first time humans...
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Réal Laplaine
1 day ago3 min read
Who is the real enemy in Russia?
If one steps back and looks at the scene in Russia today, taking an average Russian family, Olga and Ivano and their two kids, do you...
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Réal Laplaine
4 days ago1 min read
Sweden's Chalmer's University lands a spot in V.O.I.C.E.
In my newly released book, V.O.I.C.E. - The Silence is Over , there was a critical spot in the story where I had to select a location for...
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Réal Laplaine
Jan 104 min read
Should there be a bottom line for leadership?
I’d like to offer some perspective on leadership, which became more evident to me in recent times with the disproportionate number of...
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Réal Laplaine
Dec 9, 20248 min read
Deception People: Telling the truth can be fatal.
This is an extract from the preface to my book, Deception People , where Dr. Carlton Faber, a neurological specialist, and a graduate...
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Réal Laplaine
Nov 20, 20244 min read
Swedish meatballs or Russian pierogi?
Sweden vs Russia - Sweden's future in the rising conflict It’s worth commenting here that Sweden faces a very interesting future with...
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Réal Laplaine
Oct 2, 20242 min read
Where does Russia fit in the Israeli-Iranian war?
Now that Iran is officially in the conflict, lobbing warheads into Israel - it raises an interesting question - who benefits most from...
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Réal Laplaine
Sep 27, 20242 min read
How about giving Alaska to the Russians?
In a recent statement, Donald Trump said this about Ukraine: “Any deal — the worst deal — would’ve been better than what we have now,”...
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Réal Laplaine
Sep 10, 20241 min read
What inspired your life?
I recently watched a video presentation about Expo ‘67 in Montreal, Canada, and this wonderful presentation reminded me just how...
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Réal Laplaine
Jun 25, 20242 min read
Integrity: one of the most important words to teach our children.
Noah Webster, of Websters dictionaries, defined integrity back in 1828 in his American Dictionary of the English Language as follows:...
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Réal Laplaine
Mar 18, 20241 min read
When Cowboys Fall in Publishers Weekly
My newest book, When Cowboys Fall, is now available through Publishers Weekly, in their February 2024 print publication and at Publishers...
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Réal Laplaine
Feb 19, 20241 min read
Author, Réal Laplaine speaking at the University of Buffalo Burchfield Art Center
Author, Réal Laplaine speaking at the Burchfield Penney Art Center, part of the University of Buffalo, about his book, the 9th Divinity....
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Réal Laplaine
Feb 6, 20244 min read
Tired of police story drama?
Turn on the television and watch most any police or crime thriller series or film and typically, “Hollywood”, or the movie industry in...
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Réal Laplaine
Jan 26, 20242 min read
The Canadian Cowboy culture
My newest book, When Cowboys Fall, is inspired by the cowboy culture, both in America and Canada, and to some extent, the television...
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Réal Laplaine
Dec 28, 20231 min read
When Cowboys Fall: An inspired story about the cowboy in all of us!
At some point in our lives, we all step across that proverbial line where the road ahead of us is suddenly, and sometimes, shockingly,...
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Réal Laplaine
Dec 19, 20231 min read
Do they win - or do we?
In 2020, when the pandemic caused a global meltdown, the world came together and found a cure to Covid in less than one year. Now, there...
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Réal Laplaine
Oct 6, 20233 min read
Is anyone beyond second chances in life?
I lived in Los Angeles for 25 years, a city which has the 3rd largest GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of any city in the world; GDP...
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Réal Laplaine
Aug 29, 20233 min read
Who should take on the biggest criminals in the world?
If the Law of Attraction is accurate, that is, that like attracts to like, this image of Vladimir Putin (Russia) and Kim Jong-un (North...
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Réal Laplaine
Jul 27, 20232 min read
The Global Rift of 2026
Given the current dynamics in our contemporary geopolitical arena, with Russia segregated from the West due to its tyrannical aggression...
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Réal Laplaine
Jul 26, 20231 min read
What is the value of books?
Since the advent of eBooks (ePub, Kindle, etc.) and independent publishing platforms, book promoters and major book sellers have...
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